United Methodist Historical Society of Ohio
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Established in 1839


These links from the website of the General Commission on Archives and History are provided to enable quick access for members of the East and West Ohio Commissions on Archives and History.
"An Historic Site is a location or structure associated with an event, development, or personality deemed of strong historic significance in the history of an Annual, Central, or Jurisdictional Conference. Historic Sites are designated by formal action of the Annual, Central, or Jurisdictional Conference within whose region the site is located."  -- Historic Sites  (This link details the process and provides a link to the guidelines and application.)

"A Heritage Landmark is a structure or location specifically related to significant events, developments, or personalities in the overall history of The United Methodist Church or its antecedents. Heritage Landmarks must have distinctive historic interest and value for the denomination as a whole, as contrasted with local or regional historic significance. Only those buildings, locations, or structures previously registered as United Methodist Historic Sites are eligible for consideration as Heritage Landmarks." -- Heritage Landmarks  (This link details the process and provides a link to the guidelines and application.)